Who Are Gas Markets For?

Gas affects everyone - unlike a simple protocol who's users are ring-fenced to the protocol itself, ETHGas affects everyone whether they choose to interact with it or not. From:

  • The Validators who secure the network and earn yields, to

  • The Users and traders who pay for transactions, to

  • The Protocols that require it for core functionality, to

  • The Developers that create these dAPPs, to

  • The Wallets that enable Users to interface with dApps,

  • And many more...

As the fabric that powers blockchains, it's important that Gas, and ETHGas by extension create a system that enables direct and indirect users to participate in both the product roadmap and economic design. At the core of blockchains, Validators want higher yields, and Users want lower fees. Protocols, Developers, and Wallets, altogether would like to remove Gas from the user experience (e.g. account abstraction).

While some of these interests are algined, some aren't - how do we pay validators more with traders paying less? It's nuanced.

An array of products addresses this to some degree on the micro level - while we still have Regular Gas, we now have High Octane (preconfs, state guarantees), as well as Bulk Purchases (blocks). Such product segmentation is driven from the demand-side of the market (i.e. users of gas), vs the supply side (i.e. Validators) with products split by compute, storage, or other.

On the macro level, our token is designed to embody these more nuanced, multifaceted or multidimensional relationships aligning the future existence of both ETHGas with that of its users.

The ETHGas token $GASS is largely a Governance token that enables the community to participate in ETHGas' future product roadmap and tailor the economic incentives to each party accordingly. For more on the product roadmap, see the Vision section. For more on how tokens are used to align incentives, read on.

Last updated