Whole Block Commitments
A Whole Block reserves the entire block, 30mm gas units, for the buyer. The buyer may choose to process a mix of their own trades, sell it, do nothing, or deconstruct the block into a series of Inclusion and Execution Preconfs. This makes a whole block buyer a synthetic Block Builder as articulated in The Design Process.
Once a block has been deconstructed, it may not be reconstructed. An Inclusion Preconf for 30mm gas units with an all-or-none order type is equivalent to a Whole Block.
For more, view:
ETHGas Blockspace Fee Optimization Article 1
Article 2 on CEX-DEX arb: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2401.01622
Article 3 on Private Orderflow: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2305.19150
Transaction Fees: [ 10% ] on Primary sale, [ 30 ]bps on secondary market trading TBC
Last updated